Youth 2023

Youth 2023 | Daytona Beach, FL

The event is scheduled for next year, Tuesday, July 25, through Friday, July 28th, at the Daytona Ocean Center and lodging at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort. The theme for the event is BOLD, Being Ourselves – Living Different (Hebrews 12:1-2). Attached is an event flyer (pdf) and the links below give more detailed information and deadlines. Registration is OPEN and cost $375/person, before January 2023. The registration includes lunch and dinner for two days during the retreat (Wednesday and Thursday only). Participants are on their own for meals on the day of arrival (Tuesday, July 25th), breakfast each day of retreat, and any meals for extended stays. We normally have stayed an extra day at these events for recreation and bonding with the youth. The daily event room rate of $145 is extended through July 31st for all retreat participants that desire to stay.


A preliminary costs assessment for the retreat looks like this:

  • $375 youth registration (early-bird rate; goes up Jan 2023)
  • $145 lodging (based on 4-day quad room [4])
  • $450 airfare/luggage (Delta Airline)
  • $150 miscellaneous expense
  • TOTAL: $1,120 per youth participant

The adult and young adult chaperone costs are likewise:

  • $375 adult registration
  • $290 lodging (based on 4-day double room [2])
  • $450 airfare/luggage (Delta Airline)
  • $205 miscellaneous expense
  • TOTAL: $1,320 per adult chaperone

*Very interestingly the resort offers, ocean-facing rooms, cabanas, suites, as well as bay-facing rooms. Most rooms are equipped with two queen beds and allow up to four people. Rooms also have mini-fridges, coffee makers, and several other amenities. The event room rate of $145/night can be extended up to three days before or after YOUTH 2023.