Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
Malachi 3:10
The Finance Committee strives to act in the best interest of Strawbridge Community Church and the members serve in a fiduciary capacity, overseeing the financial health of the church. The congregation places its confidence and trust in the Finance Committee to make financial management decisions for them regarding the use of their financial resources. This is a responsibility that requires the highest standard of care and complete loyalty to the interests
of Strawbridge Community Church.
The Finance Committee meets on the second Saturday of each month.
The Finance Committee is made up of nine members in three annual rotating panels and also includes the Pastor, Church Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Lay Member to Annual Conference, Associate Lay Leader of Trusted Leadership, Chair of Church Council, Chair of SPR Committee, a representative of the Trustees and Stewardship Committees, Lay Leader, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. If any of these people are paid (other than the Pastor), they serve without a vote. Specific responsibilities include:
- Compile an annual budget
- Administer and disburse funds
- Account for and deposit the offerings
- Establish internal control policies
- Review and report annually on the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls
- Provide for an annual audit of the church financial statements and report results to the annual charge conference
- Recommend proper depositories for church funds
- Use contributions in accordance with donors’ intent
- Report annually to the church council all designated funds that are separate from the church budget
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