
“The gifts [God] gave were that  some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.”

Ephesians 4:11 ESV


The Nominations and Leadership Development Committee identifies, develops, deploys, evaluates, and monitors the Christian spiritual leadership of Strawbridge Community Church. The Committee also helps members to Strawbridge identify their calls from God, their leadership gifts, and best places for Christian service.


The Committee is composed of nine members of Strawbridge in addition to the Pastor (chairperson) and Lay Leader (vice-chairperson). In order to maintain experience and stability, the membership is divided in to three classes of three-year terms. Specific responsibilities include:

  • Becoming familiar with the responsibilities for each leadership position and matching potential leaders with particular opportunities for spiritual leadership
  • Ensuring the selection process reflects inclusivity and diversity
  • Working with Church Council so as to focus on Leadership (other than staff)
  • Guiding the development and training of spiritual leaders
  • Assisting Church Council in assessing the changing leadership needs
  • Working with Church Council throughout the year to name other leaders for the ministries that fulfill the vision of Strawbridge
  • Recommending to Annual Conference the names of members to serve as officers and leaders of ministries at Strawbridge


Strawbridge Community Church’s Committee On Nominations and Leadership would like your help identifying potential ministry servants to serve in our many ministry areas. To suggest yourself or someone else, complete and submit the form at the bottom of this page. Questions? Email

If you feel passionate about one of the ministry areas listed here, and/or you want to be an active participant in the planning, leadership, and the working of God’s church through them, complete and submit the form below. This process is done once per year, however, we welcome suggestions year-round.


Help plan, implement, and oversee small group ministries, such as Sunday School, Disciple, and other Bible studies, ConnectGroups, and other small groups.

Be part of a new rotation of persons who regularly visit those who are hospitalized and/or shut-in/homebound.

People with skills in audio and video technology are needed. Other worship team opportunities include ushering, helping with communion, changing banners and paraments, decorating the altar throughout the year, and helping with acolytes.

Help prepare our church for a new ministry with and for young adults ages 20-35.

Assist/support the Children’s Directors in helping to plan and implement an active ministry for children, birth through Grade 5, including annual VBS, Easter, Christmas, and other seasonal activities and events.

Assist/support the Youth Ministry Directors by helping to plan and implement an active ministry for students in grades 6th – 12th.

Help develop and plan ministry for senior adults in our church and community (includes our Prime Timers ministry).

Help plan and implement ministries that invite people to meet Christ through the ministries of our church (invitation), help them feel welcomed (hospitality), and connect them with others (incorporation). Includes Greeter, Hospitality Desk, Parking Lot, Coffee and New Member ministries.

Help plan and coordinate local, national, and international ministries to address the physical needs of others and connect our church members to those opportunities.

Help plan and coordinate opportunities for our church family to make a difference through partner ministries.

Develop and implement plans and programs to grow the financial and volunteer stewardship potential of our church.

Liaison between staff, clergy, and the congregation. Responsible for the evaluation, development, and growth of the church paid staff (lay and clergy).

Responsible for the identification, development, deployment, evaluation, and review of Christian spiritual laity leadership in our church.

Responsible for the finances of the church.

Serve as one of two delegates to the North Georgia Annual Conference in June each year (Note: Delegates also serve at-large on several other church committees).

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Interested in Joining the Nominations Committee?

Share your interest using the form below, and someone from the Nominations Team will reach out to confirm your interest.

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