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Resurrection Sunday, April 9 (9am), program attached

Blessed (coming) Resurrection Sunday–
we pray your Lenten season has been rich with penitence and blessings. As the season culminates with
the holy observances of Passover, Maudy Thursday, and Good Friday, we invite you to Resurrection Sunday,
April 9th (9am). Come, worship and praise God in the sanctuary for the first time in three (3) years!
The Mass Choir will serve and pastel colors will be appropriated for the day. Attached, please find the bulletin for the service.
The service will be streamed live via Facebook. 
Amb Ross
Notices and Announcements
  • Clothing/Closet drive – Now til this Sat morn 10am – help us fill the trailer at church for Youth ministry
  • Lenten Season Gleaners – Turn in gleaners on Easter Sunday morning
  • Good Friday Chicken and Fish Dinner – this Friday, April 7th at New Windsor Fire Hall (1-7pm)
  • Spring Bible Study – Wednesdays (6:30pm) via ZOOM – PLEASING GOD!
  • Paint Night w/Vincent Paylor – Friday, April 21st (6pm) $12/person


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Update on AmazonSmile

On behalf of the Finance Committee, we thank all of you that signed up for Amazon Smile and allowed us to receive donations from them at no expense to you!

Amazon Smile Update & Reminder

Good Morning Everyone!   Just wanted to remind you that Amazon is offering us donations at no charge to you. Basically, Amazon wants to help local charities but wants its customers